
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2008

We've given you the lowdown on 2007's hits and misses, so now we're turning our gaze to the future and the 10 most anticipated games of 2008.

First we gave you the Top 10 Games of 2007. Then we gave you the 10 worst. We even dug up some hidden gems, games that flew under the radar but are still well worth a try.

Now, with 2007 pretty well covered, it's time to turn our gaze to all the great, big budget titles we have to look forward to. So, with an eye to the future, here are the 10 most anticipated games of 2008:

10. Wii Fit (Wii)
Wii Fit
This isn't really a game, which is why it ranks so low on my list, but Wii Fit is definitely an anticipated title. It brings one of the most different peripherals ever seen -- the Wii Balance Board -- and promises to be the best way to make a workout fun since the debut of Wii Sports in November of last year.

9. Soul Calibur IV (PS3, Xbox 360)

Soul Calibur IV
Not necessarily a revolution of the genre like II was, but this incarnation of Soul Calibur is the first next-gen and the screen grabs that Namco Bandai are releasing look incredible. Never have the characters' clothes looked more realistic, and if they've taken a cue from the audience reaction to Soul Calibur III, this could be a return to form for the series. Definitely a must play for me.

8. Mario Kart (Wii)

Mario Kart for Wii Mario Kart is a series that has always delivered quality with the notable exception of Double Dash. Going back to the single rider formula that was incredibly successful in Super Mario Kart, Super Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario Kart for the DS, this looks to be a great multiplayer experience. As of now, Nintendo is still calling this a 16-player online multiplayer endeavor, and the inclusion of motorcycles could make or break the game. This could be the best Mario Kart yet, or it could just be another gimmick.

7. GTA IV (PS3, Xbox 360)

Grand Theft Auto IV The Grand Theft Auto series, like Mario Kart and Soul Calibur, hasn't seen a ton of change over the years, but it's the way this game looks that could be the difference. Like the other two, this is the first next-gen game for the series and this could be the prettiest we've ever seen Liberty City look. Expect controversy around this game, and a fun experience, if not a predictable one.

6. Burnout Paradise (PS3, Xbox 360)

Burnout Paradise The graphics I've seen from Burnout Paradise have been amazing. This is a series that has produced one fun game after another, and has had the ability to make it feel fresh and new each time. If there was one game on this list that I could endorse as a 'must buy', this would have to be it. Burnout Revenge was and is one of my most played games and this one shouldn't be any different. What other racing game rewards vehicular malfeasance with turbo?

5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl There has been more press on this game than almost any other, as Nintendo has shifted the hype train into full speed for Brawl's 2008 appearance. Originally this was scheduled to be released much earlier -- like this Christmas -- but was delayed until 2008 to give it that extra polish. But don't worry about this one, I can only expect it to be as addictive and fun a party fighter as the last two were. The inclusion of Pit from Kid Icarus, Snake from Metal Gear Solid and Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog can't hurt either.

4. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, NDS, N-Gage)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed This is a biggie for me, as a huge fan of the Dark Forces series, since Lucasarts has touted this as the biggest and most fantastic Jedi game yet. It's taking the force powers to a whole new level, and from the little I've seen of the game, it looks 'impressive, most impressive.' Sorry, geek moment there. You get to play as Anakin Skywalker's -- see Darth Vader -- padewan that no one knew about. But seriously, in the trailer, the protagonist is pulling a Star Destroyer out of the sky and crashing it into the earth in front of him. Yeah. It should be very cool. *I previously reported that this was concept art but got an e-mail correction from Lucasarts that this is indeed a screenshot! Still, don't forget to check out the official Force Unleashed trailer for a bigger taste.

3. Fallout 3 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Fallout 3 Fallout 3 makes the list purely because it looks like Bethesda has this one cooking as a pet project. All I can say is that from reading their development blogs and seeing screenshots of the ongoing project, this looks like a game that has been made from the ground up for the real fans of the Fallout series. While it is a departure from the three-quarter perspective, turn-based adventure that was the first two games, released 10 years ago, it looks like this game will stay completely faithful to the post-apocalyptic environment and quirky dialog that made the series so great. The contest they held for fans to be able to create a perk for the game just shows how much they care about the community created with the first two games.

2. Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Xbox 360)

Resident Evil 5 While it is another next-gen incarnation of a beloved series, Resident Evil 5 looks to make a step in a different direction in both gameplay and graphics. The trailer to this game alone scares me, so I have no idea how I'll be able to play it. Probably lights on, with a few friends present, but it's the new gameplay elements that could make this an instant classic like its forbear, Resident Evil 4. It's set in the desert, so if you stay outside in the sunshine for too long, you'll take damage from the extreme temperature. But if you go inside, you face zombies, in the dark, at close quarters. Should be a challenge and a great game to play.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Out of all the games on this list, I feel like I know the most about this one which makes it an easier choice for number one. Everything I've seen -- and I do mean everything -- has looked incredible. Not only does it look like a next-gen game should look, but the way Konami has enhanced the controls for Solid Snake is ridiculous. It's not that the first three games handled poorly, but Snake is seeing an enhanced sneak suit, complete camouflage, targeted attacks, a robot drone scout...I mean the list goes on and on. The trailers look infinitely cool and it's probably the only game on this list where you play as an old man, which doesn't seem cool until you see just how well it plays. I watched the E3 coverage of this, along with the breakdown of the new controls, and it looks like they've taken this series and the entire espionage genre to a new level. This is also one of the few PS3 console exclusives, but the real question is, how long will it stay that way?


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