
Friday, December 18, 2009

List of 15 Unfamiliar Twitter Apps and Tools

We are all bragging about Twitter from quite some time, and why not, this is the most popular micro-blogging service online today. Initially, bloggers, webmasters etc found it useful to deal with; soon it ran over celebrities and politicians. Thanks to its user-friendly features that is helping all to grab some knowledge and fun. To name down the usefulness of twitter would be difficult as each day it come up with new feature to help people. Twitter is now more than getting friends and family update and broadcasting you or your company. You must be using or aware of some of twitter tools that might be helpful for you, but yet there are some tools and apps, which you might not know. You should be familiar to these tools if you take part seriously in Twitter. So, I have taken a list of 15 Twitter Tools and Apps that you might not know!

twitter tool List of 15 Unfamiliar Twitter Apps and Tools

Avartize –You can now customize your Avatar with logo, design or symbol to your twitter profile picture with Avartize. There is no installation or coding required. All you need to do is create an Avartize account, upload your image and here you go.

BingTweets – BingTweets will combine Twitter search result with Bing search result. It further allows you to see deeper, real-time information about the hottest topics on Twitter by fusing Bing search results with the latest tweets.

Imj.Tw – It is a free service for Twitter and Facebook users providing free hosting and sharing for images. Sign in with your particular Twitter/Facebook account to get started. – This app is yummy, helps you tweet of all of that great food you eat. You can also share your interesting food recipes and great restaurants that you visited. – Want a shorter and cooler URL? will offer you to shorten the URLS. Further helpful in recovering basic stats and a Bookmarklet for easy posting. – Shrink it, Tweet it and Analyse it, is all about This is a fresh service incepted by Tweetmeme for letting people to shorten, track and share links.

Pockets – This is an interesting service. Pockets is visual voicemail for twitter users. You can leave a private voicemail for anyone on twitter and they’ll be notified via @reply.

Snapatar – This is more like a Avartize but here you are allowed to update your twitter profile snap using your webcam. Simply take a snapshot, login to twitter and upload the new image of your choice.

Screenr – Now you can create screencasts for your followers as easily as you tweet. Just click the record button and you’ll have your ready-to-tweet screencast in seconds. You don’t need to download anything.

Screenjelly – Screenjelly allows you to record a screencast and share it via Twitter, email and other social networks in no time. You don’t need to install or download anything. Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.

Topsy – Topsy is a search engine powered by tweets. It doesn’t think the Internet is a collection of documents. Or even a web of documents. It sees the Internet as a stream of conversations. Topsy can do things other search engines don’t usually do.

Twtjobs – This is a great business tool that helps job seekers and employers to get connected via Twitter. You can create your “Twitter Resume” and employers can post a job opening.

Twubs – You can find social media content all in one place called Twubs. Create group, even pages, content pages are by all means possible with Twubs.

Twitcaps – This allows you to search, browse and capture the any latest snap posted to Twitter via any of the popular Twitter image services such as Twitpic, yFrog, Twitgoo, etc. It is a Real-Time Images from Twitter.

Tweetizen – Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you. Use Tweetizen to create twitter groups, and you’ll be able to stay on top of what’s happening in all your areas of interest.

GeoChirpGeoChirp is a twitter/google mashup, useful to find tweets and people by location. You can even translate tweets to your native language. GeoChirp helps you search for people Twittering for specific things in a specific area.

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