
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Impact of Direct Mail Marketing on Humans

Starting with introduction Direct mail Marketing is the way of sending advertisement and offers directly via postal mails. On the other hand if we talked about online media there are many companies who send bulk spam e-mailers to thousands and thousands of users for getting targeted or un targeted traffic to their websites. Are you confused on Direct Mail Marketing and Virtual Marketing ? This can be simply differentiated byOffline and Online Marketing.

I recently went through the research report of the Millward Brown and Bangor University on Using Neuroscience to Understand the Role of Direct Mail. The research was conducted for the UK’s Royal Mail on effectiveness of physical and virtual media.
MillwardBrown Neuroscience Case Study 1 Impact of Direct Mail Marketing on Humans

The abstract of report is as follows:

The team from Millward Brown and Bangor University came up with a powerful and innovative approach to help us understand how both physical and digital media are processed by the brain. They successfully turned cutting-edge neuroscience into a practical marketing project, and delivered completely new insight identifying fascinating differences in levels of brain engagement for the two types. We have put the findings
at the heart of our communications about the intrinsic power of direct mail, and how physical media have a place in any fully rounded marketing campaign.
–James Kitovitz, Insight Manager, Royal Mail

Main Advantages

  1. Targeted audience for your products and services
  2. Analysis through response of users can used for further studies of consumer behaviors.

Main Disadvantages

No doubt Direct marketing have higher impact but it is highly irritating for the users who cached bulk of an un-invited mails. You may obtain Prohibitory Orders against direct marketing companies if you think they are abusing you with bulk mails. You can also use the application for Listing and/or Prohibitory Order


In my opinion we should always mix the custom and personalize flavors in the marketing so that consumers can bond a direct relations with the products or the service companies. If you are using Direct mail then always try to address the attendees individually with personal message (based on the previous responses and behaviors). Moreover is the customers is not responding / complaining to any mailers then try to delete him / her name from the database lists.

Similarly, if we talk about the Online marketing we should always try the basic rules of the Direct marketing. In the end Online and Offline marketing ends with the customized shape of Marketing.

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