
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dropbox Hits 1 Million Members

Dropbox giving free and paid file storage service like as OminiDrive, but they have auto synchronizing system and gives you access anytime to upload or share files from web or from your computer. It’s growing so faster in compare of other files storage services and lots of people twiciking about this service and people start to using to share their prodjects and including Dave Morin.

Jason Kincaid explains, “Dropbox is going to be introducing a few key features soon, too. One of them is Peer to Peer sharing, which will allow users on the same network to share their files directly through their routers, without having to first upload them to Dropbox’s servers. The service’s web interface also just got a UI refresh, though many people simply use the folders that the Dropbox application integrates directly into your desktop.”

CEO Of Dropbox’s Drew Houston he didn’t disclosed about the amount of paid users and how many free users they have. However, in previus time it was in beta version but it’s open for everyone and you can try for free accounts and should keep in mind that free account has some limitations.

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