
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

20 Firefox Add-ons You Shouldnt’t Use

firefox 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt UseMore then seven thousands mozilla firefox extensions available in Mozilla’s official extensions directory. Without extensions firefox has no spices and without extensions it shouldn’t count as browser. Some other web browser still running without extensions but how people managing their works?, I don’t know. Even, lots of browser developing extending this add-ons features such as Flock browser.

Maximum extensions are superbly working in firefox environment and developing frequentely to giving a stable versions to the firefox users. Even, I’m always using scribefire, alexa sparky, twitterfox, two column based google engine creator and delicius and some seo type add-ons. But, I’m entrying to enlist some non-productive extentions — that you shouldn’t use.

  1. Biorhythms
  2. SayHiBacolicious
  3. Pimp’s Load
  4. IE8fox
    ie 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  5. Brisby
    brisby 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  6. China Channel
    china 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  7. Kyoote
    kyoote 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  8. AmIOnMySpace?
    amly 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  9. The JackassBar
    jackass 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  10. Consciousness Bell
    consciousness bell 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  11. Remove Links
  12. YouTube Auto Replay
    youtube 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  13. Take me to this URL
    url 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  14. Tab Killer
  15. Fuzzy Time
    fuzzy 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  16. Raed Tihs!
  17. Back to Close
    back to close 20 Firefox Add ons You Shouldntt Use
  18. Beer Oclock
  19. Bork Bork Bork!

PS:These selection are on my personal experience and i have no aim to negatively market the precious time of the developers who spend the time on create above mentioned addons.My basic aim is to provide an unbiased reviews and request the developers to add some more exciting features in their corresponding addons.Feel free to condemned me with your valid points and i would like to answer all your queries.

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