
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Immune? Yeah Right!

The unstoppable has been - well, stopped in its tracks. A Mac has been infected by a virus! While slightly surprising, the migration of malware to OS X was inevitable. As a malware developer, you want the 'biggest bang for your buck.' For the most part, Windows provides this gargantuous BANG! Until now, that is...

As more and more people adopt the Mac platform, its circle in the bullseye grows bigger. It's grown to the point that malware developers can finally get the reaction, power, and possibly the information that they seek when coding their malware. The "iBotnet" Trojan was unleashed, and thousands of Macs are currently under the creator's control. By connecting to other victims in a large network, the creator gains a huge amount of control. Despite that fact, the design of the trojan has given it a "low-level" label, and Symantec says that most people won't even notice the effects of it.

While this may not be the biggest bug ever spread, it's certainly a pinnacle for the OS X Malware community; it represents a big leap, from the sense of immunity that Mac users felt, to a more vulnerable realization that may be soon to come.

It's definitely something to keep your eye on!

View: More iBotnet Information
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