
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Google Profiles Going Towards To Become Social Entity

Google nowadays centralizing mainly on socializing. Already they have socialized elements of Youtube, Picasa, Google Maps but they has lack of profiles features which has visible in different well known search engine, just like as Facebook Profiles. In this situations to solving that problem, Google Profiles — which wasn’t useful but Google going to make it social, more clear, bit easier and faster to find anyone socially and making easier connections.


Right now, you have a options to use vanity URLS for your profile pages and you may change it for the first time and as well you have by default one profiles too. That means rather than having a page located at or some nonsense, it now can reside at If you have a account in Gmail or Picasa you may already have account based on user name.

Google actually trying to make it social profile files which is available in Google engine and you can setup all of your social profiles accounts and easily people can get connected via google profiles. On the other hand,’s Vanity URL which is looks like — now compare of Google it’s not good fit or impossible to remember where as Google Profile brings easier and customizable features and we know Google always going the smart things.

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